Graced by Green

It is with strong conviction that Graced by Green provides the tools necessary for high frequency living. Today more than ever we need this pure energy from food and activity that allows us to elevate our consciousness. This is available to everyone at any age and at any level of health. 

We use the highest quality raw, organic, vegan plant based ingredients possible in our foods, sprouts, juices and products. The immune system will flourish with this nutrient and enzyme rich diet. A plant based diet such as this is not only the most healing way to nourish yourself, but it is also the best way to eat to heal our planet.  We believe that our individual health and the health of the earth is synonymous.

Under the tutelage of  Amar Fuller a certified Hippocrates Health Institute Health Educator you will engage in consultations, workshops, classes, cleanses, retreats and more. Amar is passionate about mapping out a course of action for you that is achievable. Amar agrees with the Greek physician Hippocrates that disease is not caused by gods or spirits but is the result of natural action. Come on board and let Graced by Green help you create your life of abounding well-being. 

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Amar Fuller, Visionary and Founder of Graced by Green

Amar is a passionate and dedicated explorer of all things connected to the physical and spiritual well-being of people and the planet.  She is a Health Educator, raw food chef, Master sprouter, and certified Kundalini yoga and meditation teacher. She’s also the owner/director of Khalsa Childcare, a thriving holistic daycare center she founded in 1987. Here she provides countless children an intentional start to health and wellbeing, and supports parents in raising their children with the Graced by Green approach. 

As a lifelong student, Amar trained with masters from various traditions including  Aryuveda, Holistic healing lifestyle, Kundalini yoga and Meditation, Native healing practices and Shamanic work.  She weaves these varied and vast powerful teachings into her health coaching, group classes and workshops and daily lifestyle.  

Amar began her formal studies in health and nutrition in 1983 when she attended the original Hippocrates Health Institute (HHI) in Boston, MA under the direction of Ann Wigmore (founder). Since then, she’s continued her studies at the Institute in West Palm Beach with directors, Brian and Anna Maria Clement. She became an HHI certified health educator in 2007 and facilitates group retreats there each year. For over three decades, she has been training raw food chefs to prepare amazing healthy foods and developing her own recipes that she is known and loved for.  

As a health coach she offers her unique approach of addressing the whole person which includes mind, body and spirit.  We need attention to all these areas to achieve vibrant, optimum health. Come take a walk in her garden, visit her sprout room, or enjoy a fresh green juice. Like her heart, her  home is always open to those in search of health and harmony, and you’ll get to see her healing touch in all that she does.  

Amar is the mother of three and the grandmother of five (and beloved auntie to many).  She is a heart-centered musician, loves to be in nature and in her garden. Amar also enjoys caring for children, swimming, playing tennis and African dancing.