Immunity And Your Body Fortress Newsletter 2021, Issue #3

Your Body Fortress

- Written by Amar Fuller

We are continuously safeguarded from invaders by our immune system. When it comes to our health, the first line of defense is the body’s immune system. This complex network of cells and proteins defends the body against bacteria, virus, fungi, and toxins. It is intelligent to the point where it keeps a record of every germ it has ever defeated so it can recognize and destroy the microbe quickly if it enters the body again. Finding ways that resonate with you to help strengthen your immunity is a very large part of the work that I do.

Do you ever wonder what role your thoughts and emotions play in supporting or hindering the immune warriors that work to fight for your well-being? You may be surprised to learn that Harvard University scientists have found that the emotions play as important a role in boosting the immune system as do the physical and nutritional aspects of our health. [1]For example, simply recalling an angry experience from

the past may cause a six-hour dip in levels of the antibody immunoglobulin A (IgA) which is the first line of defense against infection. [2]

The scientific data relating to our immunity clearly shows us that the body and mind are inseparable. Chronic stress, sadness, and worry all cause a spike in the hormone cortisol, which in turn, suppresses the immune system. Anecdotally, I am aware that when I’m dealing with a stressful emotion, it’s exhausting, and I easily get overtired. My eyes are often the first sign I get from my body that I’m overdoing it. They begin to feel strained and teary. I have learned to respect these important cues and do my best to take care of myself by getting the rest I need.

Through simple actions such as reflecting on our experiences through personal journaling or sharing with others, we increase our body’s immune response. One of the most fascinating examples I came upon was a study published in Psychosomatic Medicine. They reported that HIV patients who wrote about their worries for 30 minutes a day, four days in a row, experienced a drop in their viral load and a rise in infection-fighting T-cells.[3] Another study, in the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, found that breast cancer patients who talked about their feelings regarding cancer had to schedule fewer doctors’ visits for cancer-related problems. [4]

There are so many ways we can support our immune system in addition to a healthy diet and supplementation. Stay hopeful, and your body will love you for it because optimism is another pillar of your fortress of protection! Through mindfulness, meditation, a positive outlook, being heard, meditative exercise such as tai chi or yoga, or simply taking a walk in nature, you can create a stronger body fortress.

As the season changes and the cold weather is upon us there is no better time to take action for a healthier you. Be inspired to transform and become your best self. Close your eyes, focus inward at your third eye point and see the radiant, strong and confident being you are.


[1]  Robert Waldinger, director of the study, a psychiatrist at Massachusetts General Hospital and a professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. Good genes are nice but joy is better; The Harvard Gazette, Health and Medicine

[2] A Romero-Martínez 1, M Lila 2, S Vitoria-Estruch 1, L Moya-Albiol 3, High Immunoglobulin A Levels Mediate the Association Between High Anger Expression and Low Somatic Symptoms in Intimate Partner Violence Perpetrators, National Library of Medicine, Interpers Violence, 2016 Feb

[3] Lindsay, Emily K.; Creswell, J. David; Stern, Harrison J.; Greco, Carol M.; Dutcher, Janine M.; Lipitz, Sarah; Walsh, Catherine P.; Wright, Aidan G.C.; Brown, Kirk Warren; Marsland, Anna L. Less, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Buffers Glucocorticoid Resistance Among Older Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial,        Psychosomatic Medicine.  July/August 2021.

[4]Kiecolt-Glaser, J. K., McGuire, L., Robles, T., & Glaser, R. (2002). Psychoneuroimmunology: Psychological influences on immune function and health. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 70, 537-547.

Health and Wellness Insights Recipe Corner

  • Let gratitude improve your health

    It’s an everyday affair, not exclusively for the Thanksgiving holidays.

    There’s no shortage of positive effects we can experience when we connect to the gratitude in our hearts. The mind and body are intrinsically connected. By propagating thoughts and feelings of gratitude and noticing all that is good, we not only improve our mood, but our physical body inherently benefits as well.

    Being grateful:

    Improves the quality of sleep

    Strengthens our immune system

    Helps us release toxic emotions and manage stress

    Lowers blood pressure and cortisol levels

    Motivates us to take better care of ourselves, such as exercise and eating healthier meals

    Makes us happy

    Three ways to cultivate gratitude:

    Use gratitude cues. Keep photos visible of things or people that make you happy. Post positive notes or inspirational quotes on the fridge or by your computer to reinforce feelings of gratitude.

    Make a gratitude jar. Keep an empty jar, scratch paper, and a pen in an accessible place at home. Ask family members to write on a piece of paper one thing that they're grateful for every day and drop it in the jar. Even encourage humor. During dinner or leisure time, take a few of the notes out of the jar, and enjoy reading one another's thoughts.

    Keep a gratitude journal. Take a few minutes everyday to simply jot down quick notes of gratitude that you observed that day. It can be anything, from a funny comment one of your children made to a kind gesture from a stranger at the grocery store. Any positive thoughts or actions count, no matter how small.

    Before you know it, instead of thinking about gratitude occasionally, it’ll become second nature. You’ll eventually grow to appreciate all the things, (both large and small) we so easily take for granted, and you’ll end up benefiting from a health upgrade in the process!

  • Lemon Ginger Immune Blast

    This power packed blast is a great morning drink, its flavorful pizzaz will awaken your taste buds and keep you warm and healthy during the cold season.

    Every ingredient supports immune boosting. It's a fabulous additionto your diet anytime of day or season.

Check out what our friends are offering in the world of health….

Wellness Within Reach

 My name is Peter Seymour Howe, and I have been in the alternative health field since the late ‘70’s. The reason for my entry, like many others, was to figure out why I had so many health issues, and doctors didn’t know what to do with me. I suffered from chronic depression and acute pain,  no energy, and the list goes on.

My journey and my practice have developed to a point where I now incorporate the whole body - the 4 main bodies: mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual. I work with all ages and have seen just about everything. Saying that, there is always more to see.

We have entered a new phase in the world, one where we face more toxins in the environment from (food, water and air.) When such insults occur, there is a state that manifests within us called Pleomorphism.

“In microbiology, Pleomorphism is the ability of some microorganisms to ALTER their morphology, biological functions, or reproductive modes in response to environmental conditions. Pleomorphism has been observed in some members of the Deinoccaceae family of bacteria.” [Wikipedia]

Because of this transmutation and perfect storm of electromagnetic magnetic fields (EMF’S), heavy metals, and chemicals like glyphosate (associated with the weed killer Roundup), our bodies are under constant barrage of insults, this an example of Pleomorphism.

We are made up of tons of bacteria, viruses, and so-called human cells, with many bodily functions such as respiration, circulation, digestion, and neurological systems detoxification. All modes need to be coordinated for us to be healthy.

Because of these environmental insults, our “blood brain barrier” is becoming more permeable to heavy metals, chemicals, and radiation (EMF’S). The result is that conditions identified as auto-immune diseases are running rampant, that it’s harder to clear deep-seated conditions like Lyme disease and other physical or neurological issues like Autism, ADHD and more.

What to do about it, you wonder? Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Distill your water. With over 86,000 chemicals found in water, straight water purification is not enough. 

  • Hard wire your home, TVS, computers and turn off your phones and routers at night. 

  • Eat organic and be ever vigilant about detoxing your body of heavy metals, medical vaccines (shhhhhh, I didn’t say that) chemicals. 

  • Make sure your lymphatic system is optimal along with all other systems.

It has been my experience and learning that the importance of mitochondrial communication is vital for a person's health. The mitochondria are what produce in essence the light energy that supports the core of our health. There are 10,000 mitochondria per brain cell, that’s a WOW and approx. 600 per cell for our livers. Get the point? If they can’t breathe and receive energy (nutrition), then they can’t support our quality of life.

The challenges are here. We have choices to make. Be proactive and embrace the challenges ahead. You have the power to create a life of health and wellness.

Great Blessings to you all, and may you walk in love and light.