Home Retreat

from $585.00

Tailor your retreat to your needs

All retreats include:

  • Initial consultation with Amar to customize your retreat to meet your needs

  • Organically grown vegan, enzyme rich, full meal program and juices

  • Compassionate guidance, daily check ins

  • Daily yoga, meditation and nature walks

  • Internal Cleansing using enemas and wheatgrass implants

  • Health lectures

  • hands on experiences

    • sprouting

    • food prep

    • juicing

Email Amar to reserve your retreat dates before paying at: Amar@gracedbygreen.com

Length of Retreat:
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Tailor your retreat to your needs

All retreats include:

  • Initial consultation with Amar to customize your retreat to meet your needs

  • Organically grown vegan, enzyme rich, full meal program and juices

  • Compassionate guidance, daily check ins

  • Daily yoga, meditation and nature walks

  • Internal Cleansing using enemas and wheatgrass implants

  • Health lectures

  • hands on experiences

    • sprouting

    • food prep

    • juicing

Email Amar to reserve your retreat dates before paying at: Amar@gracedbygreen.com

Tailor your retreat to your needs

All retreats include:

  • Initial consultation with Amar to customize your retreat to meet your needs

  • Organically grown vegan, enzyme rich, full meal program and juices

  • Compassionate guidance, daily check ins

  • Daily yoga, meditation and nature walks

  • Internal Cleansing using enemas and wheatgrass implants

  • Health lectures

  • hands on experiences

    • sprouting

    • food prep

    • juicing

Email Amar to reserve your retreat dates before paying at: Amar@gracedbygreen.com

7 Day and longer retreats  include:

  • Therapeutic massage session

  • Colon hydrotherapy session

  • Healing session with Medical Intuitive

Additional sessions*

  • Herbal Consultation with master herbalist, Chris Morano of Clearpath Herbals

  • Naturopathic therapies including homeopathy, Intravenous nutrition etc.  

  • Health consultation with Brian Clement, Ph.D, L.N. Director of the Hippocrates Health Institute

*These sessions are not included in the retreat cost