Newsletter Issue #5

Give Your Soul Permission to Trust Your Intuition

by Amar Fuller

What does this wildish intuition do for women? Like the wolf, intuition has claws that pry things open and pin things down, it has eyes that can see through the shields of persona, it has ears that hear beyond the range of mundane human hearing. With these formidable psychic tools a woman takes on a shrewd and even precognitive animal consciousness, one that deepens her femininity and sharpens her ability to move confidently in the outer world.”

Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Women Who Run With the Wolves

Intuition is a deep and vast topic, full of powerful subject matter. Do you trust your intuition? Is your inner insight turned on? Albert Einstein and Steve Jobs as well as many top CEOs attribute their successes to using intuition as they believed it is more powerful than intellect. For the most part, I like to access my intuition and use it on a regular basis. However, there are times I may choose to have a bit more of an analytical look at things.

Currently, I am going through a period of remembering dreams more vividly than I have in the past. The ability to understand something immediately without conscious reasoning is the faculty of intuition. It feels great to have a grasp on this other dimension of myself. My dreamtime definitely feels like it is part of the unconscious mind or the “right brain”. Science has deemed this area the seat of our intuition.

When we access our intuition, we are really engaging within ourselves in a deeper way and, thus, have a greater chance of deeper relationships in all facets of our being. This includes, but is not limited to, our communication, how we spend our money, our emotional, physical and spiritual health. How do we reap the benefits of this capability? Just like anything we want to engage in and get better at, it takes focus as well as a certain amount of practice. If you have your intuitive persona actively serving you, keep up the good work. If you want to gain more results in this area, here are some ways to accomplish this. We need to create space within our psyche to have access to our intuition. There are many ways you might like to quiet and clear your mind and body, whether it be walking in nature, meditation, yoga, taking a vacation, retreat, embarking on a detox cleanse, or simply taking a rest. Anything that resonates for you that has this calm and space-creating effect is terrific.

The benefits of learning to listen to your body can be immense. It will allow you to make better decisions about your overall well being. Additionally, our mind’s perception of events informs and guides our immune system to help us be more able to respond to future threats. Tuning into your mind and body is the ultimate form of self–care. As you learn more about yourself, it will allow you to make better choices in general. You will become healthier, happier, and more resilient as you develop autonomy, self-efficacy, and a stronger intuition.

  • Health & Wellness Insights

    5 Ways To Connect With Your Inutition

    It is sometimes difficult navigating our daily responsibilities, living life, and moving through this world. These are just a few of many choices to heighten your trustworthy inner voice:

  • Recipe Corner

    Kidney Boosting Beverage

    This is not a quick fix for rebuilding the kidneys but a great addition to a plant based diet, exercise, and a happy lifestyle. I recommend it for the fall. When you drink plenty and eat less, you will create beautiful space within your body so you can be a great host for your powerful intuition.

    All the ingredients are high in vitamin C and potassium which support kidney health as well as unclogging the kidney arteries naturally to help them filter better.

 Check out what our friends are offering in the world of health

by Mishel Ixchel

When the pandemic began, it seemed as though the world went from being busy in-person to simply being busy on-line. It felt like there was hardly any breathing room before shutting down our lives, quarantining, and turning our lives over to Zoom. As I watched the world around me yearn for connection, even if it meant staring at screens all day, my intuition urged me to be still and listen. There was something magical about that space we had been given to just be still. 

Unlike most folks, 2020 did not feel calamitous for me. My inner Scorpio loved living in the mystery, in the unknown. There was something soothing about staying put, not needing to rush or perpetually be in motion. 

It was in this dark, fertile, and welcoming space that I allowed myself the freedom to follow my guidance, my intuition. It was no easy task, 3 months before shutdown and quarantine, I had just opened my yoga studio. While the majority of my colleagues and fellow studio owners turned to Zoom nearly overnight, I trusted my gut and decided not to teach or practice hot yoga online. My logical mind can list all the reasons why it didn’t feel right to teach yoga online. But mostly, it was my gut instinct that kept me away from the screen. 

Instead, over the months that followed, I began my own inquiry into my practice. See, I was proud and joyful to bring hot yoga to the town I lived in, to share the magical fountain-of-youth that I’d devoted my life to for so long. During quarantine, I slowed way down and began to apply foundational tools to my practice that I had learned elsewhere. 

This inquiry yielded what feels more accurately like my life’s work: to teach hot yoga in a radically different way than it’s been taught. I’ve become obsessed with foundation, rather than outcome, and it has made all the difference in mine and my student’s life.

I am grateful for the pause in operations, grateful for that dark time during the early days of pandemic. What felt like the Wild West at first was, in truth, the beginning of a new journey for me and my practice. I am still on that journey. And even though it’s challenging and full of unknowns, I love knowing that, at the very least, I listened to my intuition.

Mishel Ixchel has taught hot yoga since 2007 and attributes her glowing health to the practice. Her studio, Fire and Embers, is located in Turners Falls. She leads private and group sessions. For more info, email